Friday, June 18, 2010

When buzz cutting hair with clippers is it better to have hair wet or dry?

Dry.....If wet it will clog the clippers, and also mat down. When doing it have a DRY wash cloth or hand towel handy. That way you can use it to wipe away the hair on the head and you can see the spots that you missed. Also to blend the hair cut as far up as you want and then use a smaller pair of clippers(for side burns), and run it up and down along the hair line. Make sure that when you do this that you don't follow the curve of the head, but keep it straight it will make less of a line and more blended.

When buzz cutting hair with clippers is it better to have hair wet or dry?

well - justjeff - maybe you should listen to the radio while in the shower or blow dry your hair

When buzz cutting hair with clippers is it better to have hair wet or dry?

Dry hair is always best

When buzz cutting hair with clippers is it better to have hair wet or dry?

either way just remember that hair shrinks up a bit when its dry :)

When buzz cutting hair with clippers is it better to have hair wet or dry?

dry- no question about it- wet hair will mat down and won't cut cleanly

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