Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hair cut / color? [pictures included] ;)?

I'm going to the hairdressers in a week. I want to keep my hair long, but I'm bored of it being just completely straight and uninteresting. My hair currently looks like this:

I'm thinking about cutting it like this:

Opinions? Suggestions?

:) thanks!

Hair cut / color? [pictures included] ;)?

That'd look really pretty on you =]

Do it.

Hair cut / color? [pictures included] ;)?

yeah go for it,it would suite you NEVER cut your hair short

Hair cut / color? [pictures included] ;)?

well if its you in the pic...ur hair luks amazing the way you've done wavy or wtv

i dunoo why u would wanna spend money on something like that...cuz it any more"interesting" either..

try something more wild...i'dd edit and add pics if u want

Hair cut / color? [pictures included] ;)?

it would be a dramatic change but ive been blond before and yes they do have more fun!!!

Hair cut / color? [pictures included] ;)?

Do it!

It will look great!

Hair cut / color? [pictures included] ;)?

your hair is lovely the way itis but yeh i also like the other one so go 4 a change =]

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